About Anna

Anna Sofie Frogner Innerworks

I’m passionate about helping others connect with their own innate wisdom because I used to be completely disconnected from myself. I lived a life of ticking boxes - doing what you “should do”… but without feeling fulfilled. I lived in my head. I was constantly comparing myself to others, feeling stressed about living up to the high expectations I set for myself. I always felt like I didn’t belong and was haunted by patterns (experiences) that kept reaffirming my belief that I wasn’t “good enough”. Outwardly I always portrayed an image of things being “good” - suppressing any undesirable emotions and blaming others when things weren’t “right”.

Until one day I woke up and started the journey of moving from a perspective of “life happens to me” to “I create my reality”.

Intuitively, I was drawn to body- and energy focused healing modalities. And today I understand why: although helpful, my problems didn’t resolve simply by talking about them. What I needed was to address the 85%+ of my inner world that ruled my life, outside of my conscious awareness (i.e. my unconscious and subconscious patterns, limiting beliefs, suppressed emotions and trauma). And for that, my body became my greatest teacher.

What is now Innerworks is the blueprint that transformed my life.

Using this blueprint, I learnt to tap into my own innate wisdom. As a result, my body started to unwind and release physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockages. First there was a lot of shaking, twitching and emotional releasing, but over time, my body started moving in a wave-like flow without my conscious directing. The best part of this: I started to see more flow in other aspects of my life. I transformed my health, my relationship with myself and those around me, I met the love of my life and discovered my purpose. There are still plenty of big waves; healing is a life-long journey. But now I can tap into my wisdom and surf those waves rather than feel like I’m getting wiped out.

And this for someone who used to say “I’m good” with zero clue about how I was actually feeling or how my anxiety and limiting beliefs were running the show.

… If I can do it, so can you!